What is the Gorge Transit Connect Program?
Columbia Area Transit (CAT) and The Link Public Transit have received funds from the Columbia Gorge Health Council to provide fares for fixed route and Dial-A-Ride services to local partner organizations who distribute the transit fares to eligible clients. The goal is to provide easy access to transit services for medical services, education, workplace, recreational activities, food, and other quality of life opportunities to improve social determinants of health.
CAT provides public transportation services within Hood River County, to Mt. Hood Meadows (seasonal), and between Hood River and Portland. The City Route is a great way to get around the City of Hood River car free! Additionally, there are bus routes to the Upper Valley communities of Parkdale and Odell and to the Cities of The Dalles and Cascade Locks. Check out the CAT bus schedules at www.ridecatbus.org. CAT operates seven days a week, excluding most holidays.
The Link Public Transit provides public transportation services in Wasco County. The Blue and Red Routes operate on an hour loop to key destination in The Dalles, as well as demand response services throughout Wasco County are available, Monday-Friday.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for a free transit fare an individual must live in a household that earns an income level that is 138% or less of the Federal Poverty Level.
• $17,774 for individuals
• $24,040 for a family of 2
• $30,305 for a family of 3
• $36,570 for a family of 4
How do I get free transit fare?
Do you work with one of the organizations below? Please reach out to your contact and they will help determine if you are eligible.
Local Partner Organizations
Columbia Gorge Community College
Gorge Grown
HAVEN from Domestic and Sexual Violence

Hood River Veterans Services

HR Community Corrections
HR Providence
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council